Thank you for another amazing year on this journey through life! We get to end the year with a Full Moon in Cancer on Christmas!
As we feel the change from 2023 integrate into our cellular being, use our last Full Moon, which is in emotional Cancer, to move any remaining negativity out!
What are you choosing to hold onto?
Are you letting others control your journey?
What excuses are you using to keep yourself from letting go for good?
What would be the best outcome if you didn't let go?
Have you made enough room (letting go) so you CAN bring in everything 2024 has for you?
Take the next few days to do the work! Do not drag anything into 2024 that doesn't align with where you want to excel!
Let. It. Go.
Truly feel the joy of the season 🙏🏼✨️🤲🏼
Get ready for the most abundant year! You'll receive everything you manifestand desire so long as you've made room for it.
With ethereal light and love,
